Tuesday, December 29, 2009

If you get a chance.....

Stop by my Business website and let me know what you think of it. www.bfdipso.com I'm hoping that 2010 will be the year my ideas catch hold. I talk AA 12 Step Recovery! Time for a cup of coffee, see ya later. Bob

Be careful what you pray for....

I used to ride a bicycle a lot back in my 30's. I am now 62 and thought it might be good to start riding a two wheeler without an engine on it again. So, my beautiful wife got me a bicycle for Christmas. I rode it about 200 yards two days ago. When I came up our driveway, my wife was waiting. I got off and could not stand up straight. My legs were in serious PAIN. I planned on riding it to work when the weather changes. I think it will take some time to get the old body to adjust to this exercise. My wonderful wife will be the driving force behind that one. I used to always say, "my wife works out with weights and I take long naps." I think the whole scenario is about to change. Time for a cup of coffee, see ya later. Bob

Friday, December 18, 2009


Oh well, I'm not politically correct. I will not change things that work good. Just like my 12 step recovery program. If it ain't broke, don't fix it! 90% of the United States is Christian. The other 10%, I wish you whatever it is that you see as your way of peace and happiness. I live in a country that was founded on Christian ways, as a Republic. I see my Christian way as being spiritually correct for me, and my Big Book states, "live a spiritual life or die an alcoholic death". This way is working for me for the past 24 years. So MERRY CHRISTMAS to all of my friends and to those who are not yet my friends. Time for a cup of coffee, see ya later. Bob

Monday, December 14, 2009

We are in this Together...............

Helping others, that's the most important feature of AA. When we get sober, we have to help others or we get drunk. It's that simple! Some people come around AA and just hang out and never get active, in helping others. They get bored and can't see what is so good about AA. They eventually end up drinking. Those of us who have a good Sponsor and Home Group are forced into service. We become happy staying sober. You know why? We are built that way. We always feel good when we can help someone else with their problem. If they are a drunk, we know the way out, and show them. When I am with a new guy at a meeting and another new guy stands up and states he is new. I tell the guy I'm with to go talk to him. My new guy says, " I've only got 5 days, what an I going to tell him?" I tell him, "he's go 2 days, tell him how you got 5". My new guy comes back smiling and happy he talked to the new guy. Everybody has something to give to the new man/woman. Start helping others, that will help you. that's how I see it, how about you? Time for a cup of coffee, see ya later. Bob

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Try my God.......

I once heard an AA old-timer tell a new man, who did not believe in God, "if you don't have one, try mine, it's worked for over 20 years!" Most of us come into recovery with some predetermined ideas (mostly based in anger) of God, and how he will not work for ME. In the chapter We Agnostics (funny on how that is where all the spiritual stuff is) it states: Live a spiritual life or die an alcoholic death. Those are two bad options for a drunk who is looking for a way out of his/her dismal existence. Some of us will go to our doctor and ask, how bad is an alcoholic death? We often shutter at spirituality, seeing it as we need to become a Monk or Nun. If we have a good Sponsor who came around the same way as we are presently, he/she will know what to do to soften the ride into a spiritual existence. My dear friend Father Martin would say, "if you don't believe, MAKE BELIEVE, you have to start somewhere!" Keep it simple! We are complicated people trying to keep it simple. Its way easier than it looks to us in the beginning. that's how I see it, how do you see it? Time for a cup of coffee, see ya later. Bob

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Back from Lost Wages....

Spent Thanksgiving weekend at a AA Roundup in Las Vegas. Had a great time and got a lot of fellowship in. My co-sponsor lives there, and the man who runs the Central Office is an old friend. Great Speakers and a lot of great Marathon meetings. Got a lot of recovery build up and feel really great to get back to Cleveland. The Sunday morning speaker brought up a good point that was new to me. He called it: The Baby Elephant Theory. When a baby elephant is being trained, his front left hoof has a rope around it and it is tied to a tree. He begins to pull and kick and move around for several days. Then he stops all the pulling and just stands still. He is used to the rope and no longer pulls. From that day on they just leave the rope go and when they want him to stand still they just tie the rope to a stake. He doesn't pull and just stands. That's kind of like when we first come to AA and we pull away and stomp our feet and walk away from time to time, until we get used to AA and then we just hang out and no longer fight it. It made a lot of sense to me. Time for a cup of coffee, see ya later. Bob