Am I willing to be a good listener? One of my favorite readings of this book. How willing am I to listen to a new person? I see people at meetings telling a new person to sit down and shut up. Take the cotton out of your ears and stick it in your mouth. You don't know nutin, sit down and shut up. the list goes on. When a new person shows up, they are usually filled with a lot of stuff and need to start venting, or else explode! They come to us for help. Are we helping if we tell them to shut up? I tell those people, who tell them to shut up, are you willing to buy them a 12 pack? Because in essence, that is what you are doing to them. I tell new people to start talking and keep talking. They say, what if I make a fool of myself? I tell them, it won't be the first time, nor will it be the last time. How many times are you at a meeting and you wish the person talking would just shut up. did they? Did you make it through that brief period of time? I'll bet the other person got a lot out of unloading a lot of stuff, they had been holding in. We gather together to help each other! Don't set a lot of tough guidelines that a new person might be able to meet. When a new person starts talking, I'll be the last to ask him to stop..... Time for a cup of coffee, see ya later.
Monday, October 25, 2010
Thursday, September 30, 2010
A design for living....
For years I have been telling people, if you think you can work the steps to stop drinking and drugging, you are in for a rude awakening! That's not what is happening. Nothing or anyone can stop that. On page 28, of The Big Book, it states: "a new life has been given us or, if you prefer, a "design for living" that really works. I tell people who are new to recovery, "you need a new design for living!" Your old design didn't work. Instead of telling people they are failures, I tell them you were successful in using, because you had a design that worked. Now you need to develop a new design (the steps) that doesn't include alcohol and drugs. It never helps to look down on people who already have no self-worth. We need to bring them into this way of life and tell them; you were successful before, you can be successful now. Time for a cup of coffee. See ya later....
Monday, August 30, 2010
I posted this on Face Book and got a lot of comments! Humans don't like change. One time, when I was around 5 years sober, I went to my Home Group real early. I turned all the tables in a different way. When the people started to arrive, you should have seen the havoc! Man, were they upset. They were walking around asking everyone, "what the heck happened?" Then they started turning the tables back the way they were saying, "we don't care if the church wants them the other way, we want them this way!" When they found out I did it, WOW, were they angry with me. I told them, " it was just a little test I was doing". They said, "if you do that again, we'll kill you!" So much, for that test. Time for a cup of coffee, see ya later!
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
God could and would if He were SOUGHT....
C) God could and would if He were sought. I think Bill W. was a brilliant writer. He was able to think things thru and use the best wording to get a specific thought out there for us to work with. I believe Bill used the word sought, because he did not want us to think we need to FIND God. He wanted us to see that we are on a seeking mission, not a finding mission. My Sponsor used to tell me, "God ain't lost!" The word sought means to me; we need to seek God in everything we do, think, work on, plan, and on and on. Seek ye first the Kingdom of God. that's in the Big Big Big Book. I have been on a seeking mission for over 25 years. Man, the places I see God hanging out at, is just extraordinarily neat! But, I need to be seeking Him. When I seek, I need to ask for Him to be known to me, and then be aware that he will show me in His way. Sometimes He is in the eyes or the voice of the person or people I am working with. Sometimes He is in something I am reading. Sometimes He is in the weather I am experiencing. Sometimes (and this happens a lot) He is in my pets actions. If I seek, He appears! But, I had better be looking and listening to everyone and everything, if I am to see Him. Time for a cup of coffee, see ya later. Bob
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
A little braggin'
I have been asked to speak on a Monday night in September for The ADASB of Cuyahoga County. That is recovery month. They do things throughout the month. They want me to show one of my DVD's and talk about how I got sober and what has happened to me over the years. They give my 2 to 3 hours. I told them "I would be honored to help them out". They use the Ohio Room at The United Bank Building in Cleveland, and they expect over a hundred to attend.
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Me and my slang....
I guess that I irritate people sometimes with my slang. Please accept my apologies, but I am not going to change anytime soon. I'm kind of like Bill Wilson. He used to refer to himself as "a rum hound from New York, a gin hound from New York, never referred to himself as an Alcoholic. Never introduced himself as, Bill W. an Alcoholic. Actually never started off any talk introducing himself. I sometimes state I spent time at "the Hilton with the bars, the Ha Ha Hilton, but haven't been to the Refrigerated Hilton yet. Some people would like me to state "jails, institutions, or death". Oh well, that's not me. They told me to be Honest with myself. I introduce myself as Bob, a drunk and a dope fiend. Well, that's my story and I'm sticking to it!
Friday, June 11, 2010
Old story of Bill Wilson
This is documented. Bill had a history of Depression and fought it throughout his life. When he was sober for several years he called his Spiritual advisor, Father Ed Dowling, in St. Louis. Bill stated he was having trouble and needed to talk to him or he may drink! Father Ed told Bill, I know what your trouble is, but you will need to wait until I arrive in New York. I need to tell you this Face to Face. Bill agreed and told him to hurry up! Father arrived in New York and Bill met him at the Train Station. They went to a Diner and talked over Lunch. Father Ed told Bill, "If you don't want to drink, then you must do what I will tell you to do". Bill said, "OK, what do I have to do?" Father Ed said, "Bill, you have to work the steps!" Bill said, " I wrote the steps!!" Father said, "I know, but you never worked them!" It is documented that Bill worked a 5th Step with Ed at that time. The whole story is; He worked all the steps at that time. That's refreshing to know. Everyone one of us, even the guys who started all this, need an occasional push. We are all JUST HUMAN, and can fall short a whole lot of the time.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Drunk goes into a bar......
sits down and asks the Bartender for a double of Jim Beam and water chaser. The Bartender pours the drink and takes his money. Comes back with the change and the Drunk pushes the Double aside and says, "give me a double of Jim Beam". Bartender pours the Double and takes his money. The Bartender says, "what are you doing?" Drunk says, "I've been going to those AA meetings and they said, whatever you do, don't take that first drink!"
Sunday, April 4, 2010
(c) That God could and would if He were sought..... Bill was a brilliant thinker and writer. He learned from the best. Father Ed was someone that Bill spent a lot of time with over the years. A lot of us talk about finding God. Not a surprise that Bill used the word SOUGHT. In the Big Big Big Book it states; seek ye first the Kingdom of God.... Bill choose the word sought, as it being from the root word seek. You need not find God, he isn't lost! Seek is when you look around "in search of". I seek God in everything around me and everything I do. Sometimes I mess up and make a wrong choice and see, hopefully in short order, that I need to back up and do it over. I can do that if I seek God in all I do. I'm seeking right now and hopefully always. What do you think? Time for a cup of coffee, see ya later. Bob
Thursday, March 11, 2010
A friend of mine says that to people who are new in recovery and they talk of their drinking and drugging. He tells them Drinking and Drugging are not the problem. The problem is not following directions! I also believe that. If someone with Cancer and has little time to live is given a book and told to read it and follow all the directions in it, and they will not die. They will probably memorize it and follow all the directions. Us on the other hand are told the same thing and we may or may not read the book, and only work the steps we think might help us. We are a strange bunch, aren't we? If millions of people, who have recovered, did all the work necessary to recover, and we can see those results, why do we hesitate? Bill W. said, "we have to be sold". Boy, is that the truth. That's why we need a good Sponsor and meetings to keep us working the steps. If you leave me to my own devices, I won't follow directions. I have 37 years of proof! But, if I am amongst a group of people who are the same as me. I stand a better chance, and so do they. We do this together. Time for a cup of coffee, see ya later. Bob
Thursday, March 4, 2010
A God of OUR understanding....
When I was newly sober I told my Sponsor, "I thought we have to make something up." He took me to the Book and showed me what the step says, "God as WE understood Him". He stated that picking a God of your own understanding came from Bill's Story, where Ebby (never was a member of AA) who was from the Oxford Group, told him to make one up. I now understand that. But, my sponsor told me to go out and find out what WE understand. So I went on a mission, asking every one I could, "what do you understand?" I kept a list and when my sponsor asked me to show him the list. We reviewed it and came to an understanding that the general concensus was; God is typically Loving Caring Understanding Forgiving, and on and on. So I looked into my own life and saw that this is what my Mother taught me as a child. So I just needed to reintroduce myself to the God I grew up with. Boy was that easy! Time for a cup of coffee. See ya later! Bob
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
My little Gina.....
Gina is my 7 y/o Rott who had her right front leg amputated a month ago, due to bone cancer. I have been posting updates on Gina on my Facebook page. Man is she doing great! I walked her into the vet at 10AM and picked her up at 5PM. Put the leash on her and she walked out. What if something so terrible would happen to me? I would spend the first 6 months feeling sorry for myself and then go into the blame game, and eventually I would decide to GET OVER IT! She is out in the backyard chasing her toys around and jumping around with her 2 sisters and 1 brother. She depends on me, but I LEARN from her. I took her to the Sober Club in Euclid last Sunday morning. There were 5 people there and they wanted me to bring Gina in for a few minutes. They all wanted to see how well she is doing. She walked in and paraded around getting all the hugs and petting she could. One of my friends said, "She's still got one more leg than you". She is always teaching me about ACCEPTANCE. Whatever is in front of me, I will do what she does, DEAL WITH IT. Boy, do I love that little girl. She is a therapy dog at Euclid Hospital, and she will be back at work soon! Time for a cup of coffee, see ya later. Bob
Monday, January 18, 2010
Well, I made it!
January 18, 1985 I started this journey. Twenty five years later and her I am. Only through God and his angels (my AA Sponsor, AA buddies, and this simple program) have I been able to remain on "OUR PATH". What a hoot, one day at a time for 25 years (in a row). I have actually been sober for 37 years, separated by 25 years of drinking and drugging. First drink and drug at age 12, got sober at age 37, and now I am 62. Like my mom says, "whats the big deal? This is what you should have been doing all your life, not just the past 25." I am soooo happy I am old now! If I wasn't getting older, I'd be DEAD. I want to keep getting older, and older, and older. It's in my Will, NEVER PULL THE PLUG! With my luck, they would pull the plug, and two days later they would say, "hey we could have saved him". Time for a cup of coffee, see ya later. Bob
Friday, January 15, 2010
She's better now!
A week ago, my little girl (Gina the Rottweiler) was diagnosed with Bone Cancer in her shoulder. My wife and I had to make a labored decision. We finally agreed to let the Vet amputate her right front leg. It was remover on Monday, 01/11/2010. She was operated on at 10:30AM and walked out of the Hospital at 5Pm on her 3 legs. She had a check up yesterday and the Doc said, "she's doing great!" My point is how my wife and I were somewhat overcome with grief and feeling sorry for her. Gina, however, is a Dog. I told the Doc that she teaches me more than I could ever teach her. She is my absolute view of Living Life One Day at a Time! Not looking ahead or back, and just going forward knowing it will be alright. She is a therapy Dog and works in Hospitals and has that ability to make others feel good when, because we are human should not. I have always thought about Dog spelled backwards is God. I'm not saying dogs are god, just that they view life and love the same as my God does. Always forgiving, always at peace, and always ready to enjoy. What's your thought? Time for a cup of coffee, see ya later. Bob
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
some quotes from Fulton Oursler....
Fulton was a friend of Bill Wilson, Dr. Silkworth, and on the Board of The Grapevine. Fulton was a writer who had some well known quotes. THE BIBLE: "in this one book are the two most interesting personalities in the whole world - God and yourself. The Bible is the story of God and man, a love story in which you and I must write our own ending, our unfinished autobiography of the creature and the Creator". "Many of us crucify ourselves between two thieves - regret for the past and fear of the future."
He also had a writing titled: High Praise for the Charm of Recovering Alcoholics.
There are times when I wish I were an alcoholic. I mean I wish I were a member of Alcoholics Anonymous. The reason is that I consider the "AA" people the most charming in the world. Such is my considered opinion. As a journalist, it has been my privilege to meet many people who are considered charming. I number among my friends, starts and lesser lights on stage and cinema; writers are my daily diet; I know ladies and gentleman of both political parties; I have been entertained in the white House; I've broken bread with Kings, Ambassador es and ministers; and I say that I would prefer and evening with my "AA" friends to any person I've indicated.
I asked myself why I considered so charming these alcoholic caterpillars who have found their butterfly wings in "AA". There are more reasons than one, but I can name a few. The "AA" people are what they are, and they are what they were, because they are sensitive, imaginative, possessed of a sense of humor, and awareness of the universal truth. They are sensitive, which means they are hurt easily, and that helped them become alcoholics. But when they found their restoration they are as sensitive as ever; responsive to the beauty and the truth and eager about the intangible glories of this life. That makes them charming companions.
They are possessed of a sense of universal truth that is often new in their heart. The fact that this at-one moment with God's Universe had never been awakened within them is the reason they drink. They have found a power greater than themselves, which they diligently serve. And that gives them a charm that never was elsewhere on the land and sea; it makes you know that God is charming, because the "AA" people reflect hia mercy and forgiveness.
They are imaginative, and that helped make them alcoholic. Some of them drank to flog their imaginations onto greater efforts. Others guzzled only to block out unendurable visions that arose in their imaginations. But when they found their restorations, their imagination is responsive to new incantations, and their talk abounds with color and might, and that makes them charming companions, too.
They are possessed a sense of humor. Even in their cups they haveknown to be damnably funny. Often it was being forced to take seriously the little and mean things of life that made them seek their escape in the bottle. But when they found their restoration, their sense of humor finds a blessed freedom and they are able to laugh at themselves, the very height of self-conquest. Go to their meetings and listen to their laughter. At what are they laughing? At ghoulish memories over which weaker souls would cringe in use less remorse.
And that makes them wonderful people to be with in candlelight.
Fulton Oursler left us in 1951. He was a member of the Oxford Group and friend to AA.
Monday, January 4, 2010
It's a NEW YEAR, same old principles.....
Last year was an absolute GREAT year for me! Did I have some moments that did not go so well? Sure did. But, they were just that, MOMENTS. Over all, the year was successful. I am in a better place in my personal recovery, my job, my home life, and family and friends. I practice these principles in all (most) all my affairs. Several times through-out the year I got a little caught up in wanting things MY WAY. I would meet with my sponsor and get back on track. Little bumps in the road. I now know that little bumps in the road a something that goes with being in this human experience. The end result is usually good if I can get myself out of the way and not try to manipulate the outcome. So far, this year is only 4 days old and it appears it is going pretty good without me trying to set the outcome. I hope yours is going good too. Time for a cup of coffee, see ya later. Bob
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