Fulton was a friend of Bill Wilson, Dr. Silkworth, and on the Board of The Grapevine. Fulton was a writer who had some well known quotes. THE BIBLE: "in this one book are the two most interesting personalities in the whole world - God and yourself. The Bible is the story of God and man, a love story in which you and I must write our own ending, our unfinished autobiography of the creature and the Creator". "Many of us crucify ourselves between two thieves - regret for the past and fear of the future."
He also had a writing titled: High Praise for the Charm of Recovering Alcoholics.
There are times when I wish I were an alcoholic. I mean I wish I were a member of Alcoholics Anonymous. The reason is that I consider the "AA" people the most charming in the world. Such is my considered opinion. As a journalist, it has been my privilege to meet many people who are considered charming. I number among my friends, starts and lesser lights on stage and cinema; writers are my daily diet; I know ladies and gentleman of both political parties; I have been entertained in the white House; I've broken bread with Kings, Ambassador es and ministers; and I say that I would prefer and evening with my "AA" friends to any person I've indicated.
I asked myself why I considered so charming these alcoholic caterpillars who have found their butterfly wings in "AA". There are more reasons than one, but I can name a few. The "AA" people are what they are, and they are what they were, because they are sensitive, imaginative, possessed of a sense of humor, and awareness of the universal truth. They are sensitive, which means they are hurt easily, and that helped them become alcoholics. But when they found their restoration they are as sensitive as ever; responsive to the beauty and the truth and eager about the intangible glories of this life. That makes them charming companions.
They are possessed of a sense of universal truth that is often new in their heart. The fact that this at-one moment with God's Universe had never been awakened within them is the reason they drink. They have found a power greater than themselves, which they diligently serve. And that gives them a charm that never was elsewhere on the land and sea; it makes you know that God is charming, because the "AA" people reflect hia mercy and forgiveness.
They are imaginative, and that helped make them alcoholic. Some of them drank to flog their imaginations onto greater efforts. Others guzzled only to block out unendurable visions that arose in their imaginations. But when they found their restorations, their imagination is responsive to new incantations, and their talk abounds with color and might, and that makes them charming companions, too.
They are possessed a sense of humor. Even in their cups they haveknown to be damnably funny. Often it was being forced to take seriously the little and mean things of life that made them seek their escape in the bottle. But when they found their restoration, their sense of humor finds a blessed freedom and they are able to laugh at themselves, the very height of self-conquest. Go to their meetings and listen to their laughter. At what are they laughing? At ghoulish memories over which weaker souls would cringe in use less remorse.
And that makes them wonderful people to be with in candlelight.
Fulton Oursler left us in 1951. He was a member of the Oxford Group and friend to AA.
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