Thursday, September 30, 2010

A design for living....

For years I have been telling people, if you think you can work the steps to stop drinking and drugging, you are in for a rude awakening! That's not what is happening. Nothing or anyone can stop that. On page 28, of The Big Book, it states: "a new life has been given us or, if you prefer, a "design for living" that really works. I tell people who are new to recovery, "you need a new design for living!" Your old design didn't work. Instead of telling people they are failures, I tell them you were successful in using, because you had a design that worked. Now you need to develop a new design (the steps) that doesn't include alcohol and drugs. It never helps to look down on people who already have no self-worth. We need to bring them into this way of life and tell them; you were successful before, you can be successful now. Time for a cup of coffee. See ya later....

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