Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Principles before personalities.....

AA's Founding Fathers seem to have known what was coming. Sort of like this Country's Founding Fathers. Look at the statement "Principles before personalities". The Principles are the 12 Steps. The Personalities are the men and women of AA. They are both very important to the life of AA. The piece I like most of all, is that they used the word "before", instead of "instead". They understood how important the men and woman of AA is to all of us, including the new man or woman. Most often, we need people before we begin to work the steps. We need a Sponsor, Home Group, group of drunks to hang with, etc. We all can agree that the steps are the work that frees us from this addiction, but also how important the men and woman are to this program. Time for a cup of coffee, see ya later. Bob

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