Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Which comes first.....

Some time ago, I had a conversation with my friend Father Martin. It went like this: So, Bob, when you were still using did you have a God of your understanding? No I didn't. When you got sober and started working the steps did you have it then? No I didn't. Did you have human friends when you were using? No, maybe a few rent-a-friends. Did you have some friends when you got sober. Yes, I started to have some good friends. A Sponsor and some sober running buddies. When and how did you get a God of your understanding? When I got a Sponsor and started working the steps, along with hanging around other sober people, it just happened over a period of time. So, where are you with God now? I have a great relationship with God, and it is growing day by day. So, tell me Bob, which comes first, your friendship with God or with other Humans? Humm, it seems my friendship with other Humans came first. Don't forget that Bob! That's why god put so many of us here, so we can help each other. God is the Alpha, but he charges us with helping each other make the connection. In my heart and in my mind, Father Martin will never be gone! Time for a cup of coffee, see ya later. Bob

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