Monday, December 14, 2009

We are in this Together...............

Helping others, that's the most important feature of AA. When we get sober, we have to help others or we get drunk. It's that simple! Some people come around AA and just hang out and never get active, in helping others. They get bored and can't see what is so good about AA. They eventually end up drinking. Those of us who have a good Sponsor and Home Group are forced into service. We become happy staying sober. You know why? We are built that way. We always feel good when we can help someone else with their problem. If they are a drunk, we know the way out, and show them. When I am with a new guy at a meeting and another new guy stands up and states he is new. I tell the guy I'm with to go talk to him. My new guy says, " I've only got 5 days, what an I going to tell him?" I tell him, "he's go 2 days, tell him how you got 5". My new guy comes back smiling and happy he talked to the new guy. Everybody has something to give to the new man/woman. Start helping others, that will help you. that's how I see it, how about you? Time for a cup of coffee, see ya later. Bob

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