Friday, January 15, 2010

She's better now!

A week ago, my little girl (Gina the Rottweiler) was diagnosed with Bone Cancer in her shoulder. My wife and I had to make a labored decision. We finally agreed to let the Vet amputate her right front leg. It was remover on Monday, 01/11/2010. She was operated on at 10:30AM and walked out of the Hospital at 5Pm on her 3 legs. She had a check up yesterday and the Doc said, "she's doing great!" My point is how my wife and I were somewhat overcome with grief and feeling sorry for her. Gina, however, is a Dog. I told the Doc that she teaches me more than I could ever teach her. She is my absolute view of Living Life One Day at a Time! Not looking ahead or back, and just going forward knowing it will be alright. She is a therapy Dog and works in Hospitals and has that ability to make others feel good when, because we are human should not. I have always thought about Dog spelled backwards is God. I'm not saying dogs are god, just that they view life and love the same as my God does. Always forgiving, always at peace, and always ready to enjoy. What's your thought? Time for a cup of coffee, see ya later. Bob

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