Monday, January 18, 2010

Well, I made it!

January 18, 1985 I started this journey. Twenty five years later and her I am. Only through God and his angels (my AA Sponsor, AA buddies, and this simple program) have I been able to remain on "OUR PATH". What a hoot, one day at a time for 25 years (in a row). I have actually been sober for 37 years, separated by 25 years of drinking and drugging. First drink and drug at age 12, got sober at age 37, and now I am 62. Like my mom says, "whats the big deal? This is what you should have been doing all your life, not just the past 25." I am soooo happy I am old now! If I wasn't getting older, I'd be DEAD. I want to keep getting older, and older, and older. It's in my Will, NEVER PULL THE PLUG! With my luck, they would pull the plug, and two days later they would say, "hey we could have saved him". Time for a cup of coffee, see ya later. Bob

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