Wednesday, April 15, 2009

I listen with my eyes.......

and have found that to be an easier way to understand people around me. All my life I would hear what you said, and take you at your word. Others would do that with me, and they found out, when I was a kid, you can't do that with me. When I got sober and ended up doing what I do for a living, I started to realize that we can say anything! How often do we see people telling us how happy they are with a frown on their face. It just doesn't work. If someone tells me they are working the steps, I should be able to see it as well as hear it. It has become refreshing to be able to tell you, "I'm not doing so good today", when in fact I'm not. It's much easier to work through difficult times if I go through it, not try to go around it. So when you see me and talk to me, remember I'm also listening with my eyes. Time for a cup of coffee, see ya later.

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