Wednesday, October 14, 2009

My newest DVD's

I just produced and published 3 new DVD's. The first one is: "Our Path", a 30 minute video on what the path in recovery is. The Second is: Relapse Dynamics- Its a thought process, a 30 minute video on another way to look at relapse without "reintroducing" yourself. the third is: Spirituality: Spirituality vs. Religion, Its way simpler than you think!, a 30 minute video for a new person to get past preconceived ideas. My first video is available at and is Discovery Before Recovery. A 6 minute teaser can be viewed on the site. I will be speaking at a professional conference next April, in St. Louis, and next may in Columbus, Ohio. Well, that's a little update on me. Time for a cup of coffee, see ya later. Bob

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