Thursday, November 19, 2009

For that I am responsible!

Have you ever heard the "Responsible Pledge"? When anyone, anywhere reaches out for help, I want the hand of AA to be there, for that I am responsible. That always interested me. So, if AA is just for alcoholics, why does it say "anyone"? Why doesn't it say alcoholics? My thoughts about that are: we are supposed to help ANYONE who needs help, not just other drunks. So, why do we try to tell addicts or any other addicted person to go somewhere else if they need help for something other than alcoholism? I used a lot of drugs in my using years, along with and mostly alcohol. I am an alcoholic, but I am an addict too. When I came around in the early '80's they reached out to me, because I met the pledge. I was an "ANYONE". Well that's my thoughts, what are yours? Time for a cup of coffee, see ya later. Bob

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