Friday, November 20, 2009

I have HEROS!!

I know, in AA we never put anyone on a pedestal. My dear friend, Father Martin, told me onetime: Didn't you have heroes when you were a kid? Like the Lone Ranger, Gene Autry, and others. Was it harmful to do that? Didn't they lose the battle once in a while? Do I have heroes? You bet I do! Are they capable of falling? Yes they are. But, while they are doing good, they are my heroes. Even when they fall and get back up, they are still my hero. They are those people who have provided the way for me. Taught me valuable lessons. I would watch them go thru life troubles, and sometimes they would succeed, and sometimes they wouldn't. I have a lot of heroes in AA, and some who are just regular people. That's my point. What's yours. Time for a cup of coffee, see ya later. Bob

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