Monday, November 23, 2009

Half a Beer Club........

I am a dues paying member of the "Half a Beer Club". So, what is this club? My first Sponsor told me that they got me a half a beer to late! So he designated me to the half a beer club. He told me that I am about as well as I will ever be, and that was 20 some years ago. My current sponsor agrees with my first Sponsor and tells me that I will always be in the "Half a Beer Club", so get used to it! Maybe you are one of those to. We do all we can do, but we can only get about this well. We work the steps, help others, practice these principles in almost all of our affairs, just don't cause the kind of trouble we used to cause, and people around us are able to live a much better life because they spend less time trying to keep track of us. I am OK with being in this selective club, one day at a time. Any of you in that club? Time for a cup of coffee, see ya later. Bob

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