Tuesday, November 3, 2009

I am everything I have always........

loved in a person! Boy, it took a long time to get here. I hated my very existence for a number of years ( and sometimes still do). I was sober a number of years before I began to accept myself for however I was at that time. As Dr. O would say, "acceptance is the answer to all my problems, whenever some person, place, thing, some fact of my life is unacceptable to me, I can find no serenity until I accept that, on and on. Well, I was that person, place, and thing that was unacceptable to me. How do you do that? Find peace within yourself? What an order! I can't go through with it. But I had to, or just lay down and die. Well, I went through with it and didn't lay down and die. I'm here today and pretty happy being Bob. Time for a cup of coffee, see ya later. Bob

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