Sunday, March 22, 2009

Moment of Clarity.....

I see this as a very important part of anyone's recovery. It should be a focus and understood very clearly. After 25 years of drinking and drugging, I woke up on the floor of my Bar, and for the first time ever, I thought, "this can't keep going on like this!" That thought was never before in my mind. I had been coming to AA meetings for 4 years. Happy to have them bail me out of trouble, as my family always had done. Never had followed anyones direction or advice. It just was not me. So this thought could not have been Bob, it had to have come from someone else, but it was in my head. This time I went to a meeting and started doing what I was told to do. That even had me wondering what was going on. It wasn't a God thing, as far as I could tell. If I saw it as a God thing, I would not have heeded to what my head was saying. I was very much an Agnostic. So, it seems as if my God delivered a message to me that I would take hold of, and actually do something about. Certainly a MOMENT OF CLARITY, if there ever was one, in Bob's life. So, what was your's? Time for a cup of coffee, see ya later.

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