Wednesday, March 4, 2009

,we tried to carry this message to alcoholics,

That's part of the 12th step. What you see there is what is meant there! It doesn't say, we tried to carry this message to alcoholics who picked up the phone and called the central office and asked us to... Dr. Bob didn't call Bill. Bill went out in search of an alcoholic to work with, because he was about to drink. I have gone to some pretty seedy places in search of alcoholics and addicts I could help, in order to help myself. I work in a Treatment Center and work with people who don't want this way of life. Do I give up on them? Never! I look at it this way, I HAVE NO RIGHT TO BE SOBER TODAY! God freely gave me the right, which I didn't deserve. I now have a right and a demand from God to go out and find others who don't have a right to be sober, and help them. I sometimes get frustrated with those of us who think it is my right to be sober and I don't need to help anyone, if I choose not too. Good Luck!! I have heard people say, "We carry the message, not the mess". I thank God every day, that the people who reached out and pulled me in, did not believe that last statement. They carried the MESS for quite some time. Good thing for me. I made it because they followed directions. Time for a cup of coffee, see ya later.

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