Monday, March 2, 2009

Principles before Personalities.....

Do you have HERO's in recovery? I do, and lots of them. I've been told, over the years, about principles before personalities. I tell those people that I pay close attention to that, and I see what it is and what it is not. It is not principles INSTEAD of personalities. Can my hero's fall, sure can. The Lone Ranger fell from time to time. Tonto would pull him through. I've got some personal hero's in Cleveland, some alive and some that have passed. They taught me very valuable lessons. I am grateful for what they showed me, by the way they lived their lives in recovery. If you haven't figured it out by now, Father Martin is one of my hero's. He lives these principles as best he can, and he has showed me some valuable tools, when it comes to interaction with people in and out of this program. When I am faced with a problem, either his or another friend from AA's, situation (similar to the one I face) will surface as a way to address the situation and offer me a solution that will hurt neither me or the other person. Is this hero worshipping? Probably, but I'm OK with that. I will end this with a quote from Father, "when I no longer have hero's, it will probably be my time to leave". That works for me. Time for a cup of coffee, see ya later.

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